There are no clouds in the night sky, just darkness stretching up to the mess of stars that govern our lives. The wind is steady and cold from the north. Snow is in its breath. The ostriches will freeze stiff in the fields tonight. Send Martha to fetch them in.
Photo Cred: Luminary Signs
In another season the trees pull hard on the reigns of the wind, trying to bear down the storm that is almost on us. The afternoon has turned black and the air is suddenly cold. Mother Nature is in the middle of sweeps week. Tornados are up next.
A still day in October is the most trouble of them all. Temperate and the corn fields are dry and brown. A breeze shuffles in the stalks. Sunlight comes in long slow beams across the county. This is earthquake weather.
Indiana is a land of omens. A Hoosier can look across a pond at two young robins picking at worms and realize that the S&P is going to drop 6 points. An old hound dog braying at the mailman means hot Russian singles in your neighborhood want your banking information. In 2014 my father caught a walleye with two tails and no head. Its name was Brexit. See what I mean?
Photo Cred: Luminary Signs
We create signs!
At Luminary Signs we’ve turned the ability to read signs into the highest calling that a Hoosier can aspire to: we create signs. Our signs are being read all across this fantastic nation of ours. From taco joints to ballrooms to wedding receptions to store openings, we are designing beacons that communicate how you do business. We are leading customers to you.
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